Transform Your Cannabis Growing Experience with Terra Soil's Revolutionary 20-Litre Super Soil Pot

Transform Your Cannabis Growing Experience with Terra Soil's Revolutionary 20-Litre Super Soil Pot

At Cannabis Clinics Malta, we are thrilled to test an innovative product from our friends at Terra Soil: the Super Soil Pot. This remarkable pot features three carefully crafted layers of super soil, designed to give your plants the best start and finish. The best part? You can achieve great yields with just water! The ingredients are organic, natural, and sourced from certified suppliers, ensuring a high-quality growing experience.

For those with busy lifestyles, this product is perfect as it eliminates the need for complex feeding schedules. While you can enhance the growth with additional nutrients, these pots are ideal for those who prefer a simpler approach.

Testing and Results

We tested three pots from Terra Soil, using our own brand of seeds in collaboration with Bulk Genetics. Our seeds are available for just 4-6 euros each, depending on strain and quantity. So far, the results have been nothing short of impressive. Which you can check out here in our Seed Collection.

For comparison, we also grew a plant in our own Cali Super Soil mix, which we have perfected over the last four years with a few ingredient tweaks. We transferred some of our existing plants into the Terra Soil pots, eager to see the impact of living super soils. While it's typically advised against transplanting autos, we couldn't resist trying it out. Fortunately, the plants experienced no shock from the move!

Progress and Observations

Here are some snapshots of our four plants on the 18th of July, just days after the transfer:

1. Magnum XXL in Cali super soil 2. Magnum XXL in Terra Soil Pot
3. Somango (only water) 4. Somango (Blackstrap molasses)


The plants quickly recovered post-transplant, with no visible stress. See for yourself in the pictures below:

1. Somango Auto (Only Water) and Magnum XXL in the background. 2. Somango Auto (Blackstrap Molasses) with Magnum XXL in the background

Growth and Development

The next set of pictures, taken a week later, reveals promising growth:


1. Magnum XXL in Cali Super Soil 2. Magnum XXL in Terra Soil Pot
3. Somango (Only Water) 4. Somango (Blackstrap molasses)


By the 28th of July, approximately 10 days post-transplant, the plants had adapted well to the Terra Soil Super Soil Pots. These pots, made of three unique layers packed with organic nutrients, release essential elements at each growth stage.


28th of July Pictures
1. Magnum XXL in Cali Super Soil 2. Magnum XXL in Terra Soil Pot
3. Somango (only water) 4. Somango (Blackstrap molasses)


As you can see, the Magnum XXL plants have started flowering. On the 9th of August, 12 days after the previous photos, and 22 days since transplanting, the difference is evident. The Somango plant with Blackstrap Molasses is 5 to 6 inches taller than its counterpart receiving only pH-adjusted water.

9th August Pictures
1. Magnum XXL in Cali Super Soil 2. Magnum XXL in Terra Soil Pot
3. Somango (only Water) 4. Somango (blackstrap molasses)


Final Thoughts

We're impressed with the Super Soil Pots so far. They simplify the process of growing organically and naturally. With Terra Soil's thorough research and ingredient selection, these pots provide a solid foundation for both beginners and experienced growers.

Stay tuned for more updates on our plants' progress in these Super Soil Pots. Subscribe to our blog for the latest news, and check out our seed collection to start your own journey with us!

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